Again, build a fuel cache at the point once you’ve capped it. There are usually two or three German infantry units at the point, so have some infantry on hand to support the HMG. You can kill it with an AT gun or even an HMG, provided you stay to the south and don’t venture into the beam. You have to approach this one carefully from the south. If you have a mortar unit, be sure to keep it where it won’t automatically fire on an IRHT in range. Use an RE squad to build a fuel cache after you cap the point. An HMG to pin and a couple of rifleman squads to kill, and whatever else you start with, should be plenty. The defender is usually just one sturmpio or panzerfusilier unit. There are IRHTs nearby to the SW and NE, but you should be able to avoid their beams as you approach. This is just an ordinary territory point sitting out in a field immediately NNW of your base. Here’s an image of the tactical mini-map, with the points you have to take numbered in the order you should take them. because they have good artillery and because it isn’t a mission that requires super-duper infantry. If you use Able Co., though, you shouldn’t use paradrops until you’ve killed all the IRHTs. Overall the mission is not that hard if you have your basic tactics down, and apparently there is no time limit, so it is pretty doable even at level 5 difficulty, with any company. (Sometimes when the alert level rises, a couple of German infantry squads run out and attack you, but most of the time nothing happens.) So, before you can attack the German forces and their command trucks at any given point on the map, you should first sneak up on all the nearby IRHTs from the back or side, and destroy them without ever getting into their beams. (This doesn’t always happen with recon flights, particularly if the flight path doesn’t go over an IRHT, so you can start to use recon more as you eliminate IRHTs.) The UI provides a useful meter of this alert level, and when it reaches its maximum level, the command trucks will flee the map and you’ll lose the mission. If you do, the German “alert level” will go up. The catch is that you’re not supposed to use indirect fire on the IRHTs, or get into their beams, or fly over them with (recon or paratroop) planes.

If you kill all 8 of the IRHTs before you kill the last of the command trucks, you win gold. The trucks are guarded not only by German infantry and armor, but also by 8 infrared searchlight halftracks (IRHTs), which use scanning IR beams to see through obstacles and detect approaching enemy units (i.e. The basic goal is to destroy three well guarded command trucks. The Espeler mission is a lengthy one requiring a specific sequence of movements around a large map, with more than a dozen firefights.